Cane Blackwell Art

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Autumn Wet in Wet

Have you ever noticed that the Sumach flower looks like a bird- with the wings being the leafy branches?. With dreamy transparency and loads of pigment: Stratford Sumach 2022, is a study in full wet-in-wet technique. I think this is why watercolour was invented! Fall painting is so vibrant and satisfying.

I wet the back of a 140 pound 16 x 10 page; wet the front, waited and then began applying my main colours: gaboge hue, indian yellow, transparent orange and raw umber and burnt sienna. For the water I choose the mid tome of manganese blue.

I really had fun when the page dryed, and I quickly threw down alizarem crimson strokes to suggest the plentitude of leaves.

TIP: Look for Mid-dry point
Wait a bit for the full wet to somewhat dry, before attempting hard marks like branched and leaves. I actually like the “gew” phase, where there is still some water, and you can correct and extend ideas, shapes and fade points.

My inspiration came from a photograph of looking through the Sumach, which I took at Victoria Lake, on a walk last week. Please enjoy, BLCB